Gillespie Realty Group’s passion is not just about finding the right hill country real estate for our clients but also sharing what makes Fredericksburg living so special.  That’s what makes us the Realtors of choice!


Josh Allen opened Jack & Adam’s Bicycles in July 2014 when he decided to move from Austin to follow his passion of bicycling and business ownership.  Josh is the son of Holly Allen, one of our team members.  Josh and Holly found the perfect location to purchase for his shop and thus began his journey.  Not only is his bike shop a place for bike purchases, accessories, nutrition and repairs but also a great community gathering spot.


On Saturday mornings the shop hosts a “no drop” ride which generally goes for 20-30 miles along beautiful hill country county roads.  A group of road bike enthusiasts meet and ride together, leaving from the quaint shop front porch.


Spring through fall on the first and third Tuesday evenings the shop offers a “no spandex” or “come as you are” family ride for those who enjoy riding neighborhood streets at a leisurely pace.  After these rides the group hangs out on the front porch of the shop and pitches in to purchase and enjoy pizza and drinks for a social hour.  Any additional funds are pooled and used to provide a bike to an individual in need of transportation.  Their first gift was recently given to someone chosen through the Hill Country Needs Council.


Whether you are a long time resident or newcomer this is a great way to make friends, build community and get some exercise!  For more information visit, call 830-992-3008 or stop by 206 S. Lincoln St. 
Wheels up!

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